Friday, April 23, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Arehart-Treichel, Joan. "Is Schizophrenia a Downside of Urban Living?”
PsychiatricNews. 16 May 2003. 17 Jan

I chose to use this article because it is written by psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are the people who know an enormous amount of information about mental illnesses and what cause them. One of those diseases being schizophrenia, two of those professors are well known for there advancements in psychiatric. The article will help me tremendously in finding out why teens in the city have schizophrenia than those of the rural areas. I will use this site to aid in finding more sites just like it so I can get a better understanding on schizophrenia.

Beers, Mark H. et al. The Merck Manual of Medical Information. 2nd Ed. New
Jersey. Merck Researcher Laboratories. 2003. 18 Jan 2010.

The Merck Manual of Medical Information is a highly regarded book put together by a staff of MDs who have studied medicine for years. The doctors give in depth information about schizophrenia the causes, the solution, and other helpful insights used to give a better meaning of psychosis. The doctors tell us that drug use can be a major part of schizophrenia. There are two types of symptoms positive and negative. Positive symptoms include delusions, hallucination thought disorder, and bizarre behavior. Negative symptoms include blunted affects anhedonia, and associalty. People with schizophrenia have a hard time concentrating and remembering. Childhood schizophrenia is quite rare, it usually happens during in adolescence. The book will aid in me giving in depth reasons for what causes schizophrenia and how to tame the illness.

Duckworth, Ken. "Schizophrenia". NAMI. February 2007. 20 Jan 2010.

National Alliance on Mental Issues is a well known organization that helps patients and true families cope with the patient’s mental illnesses. The site is written in plain English with all of the medical terminology, the site also gives related links to site that have been written by doctors and psychiatrist. National Alliance on Mental Illnesses deals with mental illnesses like that of schizophrenia. The site goes on to say that schizophrenia is a treatable medical condition. It gives examples of the way schizophrenia effects your brain such as making it hard to decipher reality from fantasy.

Gazzaniga, Michael S. Human: The Science Behind What Makes Us Unique. New
York. HarperCollins Publishers. 2008. 25 Jan 2010.

Michael Gazzaniga is a highly regarded Professor of Psychologist at the University of California. Gazzaniga is the head of SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind. Gazzaniga is also a leading researcher in cognitive neuroscience. The credentials that Gazzaniga has his work are highly resourceful and trustworthy. The book takes human brain science to another level. He tells the evolution of mankind and how the brain operates. Thinking through human characteristics, and deciding whether they are in fact distinctly human, is the aim of this popular work about neuroscience. Gazzaniga is a prime name in the field, and in jaunty, colloquial language, he mediates the research of neurobiologists as well as evolutionary and cognitive psychologists. They fail tests for theory-of-mind, the ability to act on the knowledge that other creatures have their own thoughts. Humans innately acquire that skill—as Gazzaniga demonstrates through descriptions of cognitive studies of children.

Lewis, G. et al. "Schizophrenia and City Life". PubMed. 18 Jul 1992. Web. 24 Jan

The site is trusted because it is a site designed by the United States government is an online library of medical records articles. I chose the one that was mostly related to my Capstone Project. The article I short and straight to the point with its meaning giving evidence the area you live play a huge role in schizophrenia. Although the article should be a little more in-depth and more informative it gives great information into why schizophrenia has these effects. The report gives statistical evidence in its report. The data shows proof that schizophrenia is more prevalent in the industrial cities than in rural which prove the point of my assignment.

N.p. "The Causes of Schizophrenia". Schizophrenia .n.d. Web. 23 Jan 2010.

The information talks about how it starts from pregnancy. The biological and environmental states of a person are what determine schizophrenia. The website gives links and cites sources that it used to gather this information. The site is completely devoted to schizophrenia and how it begins and treatments for schizophrenia. The actual formation of schizophrenia has not yet been pin pointed and researchers are still analyzing the information to give direct starting point for the illness.

N.p. “Researchers Map How Schizophrenia Engulfs Teen Brains". UC Newsroom.
University of California. 25 Sep 2005. Web. 23 Jan 2010

I used the article because it is written by a world renowned college. The University of California at Los Angeles did extensive research on schizophrenia and found that you can tell of a person has schizophrenia because there is rapid tissue lost in the brain. The school has made a major advancement in the seeing schizophrenia. They use an MRI to demonstrate this is the first actual sighting of schizophrenia. The brain loses tissues in rapidly when the brain has schizophrenia. Schizophrenics’ brain tissue swept over into the motor regions. The rapid brain tissue lost has drastic effects on cognitive and behavioral changes. This will be excellent for my project because this will allow me to have pictures of the illness taking over the brain to give my audience a clear picture of how schizophrenia looks and how it takes over the brain.

Park, Madison. "Teen tries to quiet voices caused by schizophrenia". CNN. 2009.
Web. 20 Jan 2010.

“Teen Tries to quiet voices in his head” is a very reliable article. The article comes from one of the most trusted news companies, CNN, the author of the article is Madison Park is the official CNN health writer, he has written for many of CNN health specials. In this particular article Par tells the story of William Garret who he parallels to the life of Anthony Ayers, a gifted musician who spiraled down hill after becoming ill with schizophrenia. Both Ayers and Garret have what is called paranoid schizophrenia, Dr. McClellan, who is the quoted doctor in this article , tells that schizophrenia in males usually show up between 18 thru 20 which is around the time it happened o these two young men. The article will be a great help to my project because it shows how quickly the disease can transform a person into someone completely different.

Shoemaker, Carma Haley. "Teenage Schizophrenia: World of Their Own".
Teenager's Today. n.d. Web. 22 Jan

Teenage schizophrenia is written from a person who has studied teenage mental illnesses. The article breaks down schizophrenia, telling how schizophrenia is not a “scary illness” just misunderstood. Shoemaker informs you of the strains and stress put not only one the teen, but for their families as well. The article gives the story of a family who had to deal with their daughter being diagnosed with schizophrenia. The article is well-written and thought out. The plan does not give statistical data to support the findings. The article is trusted because it comes from a website strictly dealing with teens and has been around for many years Shoemaker is a nurse who deals with teens on a regular basis. The article is copyright protected and gives other links to better understand the information presented.

Silverside, Ann. "Schizophrenia Linked to Urban Living". CMAJ. 2004. Web. 15 Jan. 2010.

This article is written by a Canadian medical association. I believe this site can be trusted because it is Canadian government information. The author is Ann Silverside a professional for the Canadian government. This article will help me with my project because its central theme is the exact same as the one of my project. The article is about the linkage of schizophrenia to urban living the same as my project. The article does state that there is no scientific evidence that city life makes people more depressed than rural life. There are some significantly different rates for between the two areas. Studies done over the past 10 years show there is two times more people with schizophrenia urban than rural.

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